May 9, 2016 Motivation
Motivation is a very funny subject and I am so glad that I am able to touch upon it in today's post. Not funny as in ha ha funny but funny because some people hate the idea. The reason some people hate the idea of motivation is due to a lack of knowledge. If you believe motivation is bad then this post will help change your view on the topic.
Have you ever seen a person playing fetch with a dog? When the dog brings back the object the owner usually says something along the lines of good job or good boy. By saying this to the dog they are giving positive reinforcement to the pet so that the pet becomes trained in the game of fetch. Motivation is also a form of positive reinforcement. Let’s take a look at people who try to exercise and lose weight or get in shape. Every year millions of people say that they want to lose weight as a New Year resolution. Before the end of the month many people fail to keep up with their goal. One of the main reasons for failing is that they were not motivated. The best way to achieve the goal of losing weight or getting in shape is by working with someone or in a group. When you have someone else working out with you they can help motivate you and drive you towards success. Without motivation you are not achieving your goals or tapping into your full potential. Look at workers in the DMV do they look happy? Most of them hate their jobs and are not motivated hence why they do not even crack a smile.
Motivation is something that we as humans need on a regular basis. "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar. This quote is very true because we have 'internal batteries". When we are motivated we feel energized and that nothing can stop us. The feeling is comparable to when a young teen calls their crush for the first time and sets up their first date of their life. The night before the date the young teen will more than likely stay up all night. Throughout the night they are happy until they have their first negative thought. That negative thought brings more negative thoughts, with each new negative thought their "internal battery" gets lower and lower. Once their "internal batter" is empty they begin to dread the date. Something magical happens on the day the date, their "internal battery" instantly becomes full once they lay eyes on their crush. You might be asking what does that the story has to do with motivation, well the crush is a metaphor for motivation and the restless night is all the negativity from society. There are always factors of life that can bring negativity and motivation will help you stay positive and on track.
Now there are some forms of motivation that in my honest opinion are bad. The major form of motivation that i feel is bad is over motivation. Have you ever seen someone that is over motivated about a topic that whenever you speak to them they only talk about that topic? I call this "rah rah motivation", this type of motivation is almost like a brainwashing. The people are so motivated that they refuse to change their beliefs no matter what. A prime example of this would be terrorist who believe suicide bombing is God's will.
Hope you enjoyed today's topic. If you need motivation you can just look up some videos on YouTube. You do not have to watch motivational speaker, you can watch people like The Rock or Jim Carey. We look at celebrities and put them on pedestal, they are normal people like us. They have overcome many difficult situations and you can learn from them. Hey The Rock has an alarm clock that doubles as a motivational app.