June 9th, 2017 The Narrow and Wide Gates, Matthew 7:13
Yes the title is correct, I am analyzing a bible verse. You might be asking yourself, why I would chose to analyze a verse from the bible, my answer to that is why not. The bible is technically one of the world's most read book and a NY Times Best Seller. I like giving my take on saying so why not give my two cents on a famous bible verse. So like always, let's dive in.
Before I can give my take on the verse, let me tell you what the verse is: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." This verse backs up my ideology of doing the opposite of the general population. This book has been around for thousands of years, so it has some decent information in it. By following the masses you will not gain true fulfillment, that is my general translation of this quote. Destruction is a harsh word but to me it's just a blunt way of saying failure. Even failure itself is a harsh word but failure is not that bad of a thought. The failure I am referring to is failure to reach your full potential. Being born itself is an accomplishment, the odds of us being born is one in forty million. So let me break down what I mean when I say failure to reach our full potential.
Many people will go through life without finding their gift. What is this "gift", well it's the one thing that we excel at. The person who coined the term 'gift" was Steve Harvey. I first learned about the term "gift" In his book "Act like a success, Think like a success". The subtitle of this book is Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches, so it focuses heavily on this. Not everyone will be great at things that will make them millionaires, but everyone is good at at-least one thing. So when I say most people will go through life without reaching their full potential, I'm talking about realizing their calling in life. In my opinion there are two main reasons people fail to realize their gift. The first reason is fear and the second reason is following the masses aka the social norms.
Fear will always be a problem, because we all know the famous saying. "There is nothing to Fear but Fear itself" - FDR. I'm not really going to go into this now because Fear is a topic in itself. Since I am dissecting a verse from the bible, I will talk about the second reason people fail to realize their gifts. We are conditioned from young to go to school and find a job. For some people they realize their gift through work, but I'm not talking about those select few. I'm talking about the majority of the people who work jobs. They are afraid to break out of the average life because it goes against the "perfect life" mold. Society itself is very bias and you are judged based on what job title you hold, what car you drive and how you look. What would your friends and family say if you told them you quit your job to follow your dream. I'm not only talking about the dreams that don't sound glamorous or might not be able to pay the bills. Like becoming a photographer or wanting to get into the waste management industry. Because it goes against the normal way of life we are afraid of making the jump. Since we are conditioned to get a guaranteed paycheck every week or two, we are unable to work when our earnings are not guaranteed. To make money out in the wild you have to hustle. The only way to make sure you don't have regrets is to take the narrow path. It's okay to be different, everyone laughed at those who were different. The only problem is now those who were different are laughing back, look at Gary Vaynerchuk. He was picked on in school and made fun of because of his excellent work ethic. He worked his behind off for years without taking a day off and now he's successful and fulfilled. Same can be said for Bill Gates, so be careful who you bully. No but seriously, the moral of today's post is to make you the reader aware that it's okay to be different.
That basically wraps up this blog post. If you enjoyed it feel free to leave a like or a comment. If you want more content, you can subscribe to the Books By Josh Show on ITunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. If you want more content then that you can check us out on YouTube. To get notified whenever we post make sure you follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you wish to support the site, the best way is to tell your friends about us. If you want to show more love feel free to subscribe or support us. If that still isn't enough, feel free to become a patreon or buy a signed copy of my book from our store page. All of the links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post and like always...... I'll catch you guys in the next one, see-ya.
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